Digitaal bureau
Leveraging customer data to drive customer value in B2B
The pace of B2B relations is speeding up by the influence of digitalization. For B2B marketers who are willing to embrace technology, data offers a world to win in the buyer journey. Winning in the B2B arena was traditionally achieved by reaching the right markets with the right services, or just being the cheapest producer. Long-term success was determined in advance by close, personal client relations.
However, according to McKinsey B2B customers prefer digital tools for business sales over talking to an account manager. This means that B2B marketers should change their mindset. Forrester concludes in their B2B Loyalty, the B2C way report that B2B marketers are focusing too much on their products, internal processes and organization silos and not enough on the entire customer relationship. And that relation moves – just like in B2C – from research, via discovery, to thriving, deciding, paying, and connecting.
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